What an awful post. Worst of all, this an old post, and Medium is still showcasing it. Someone is getting paid to admit that they’re too lazy to make sure that everything they publish is their best. In other words, we can all publish garbage, and Medium will help us earn money, but for those who give their all, and read their posts, and edit their posts, and publish their best get relegated to obscurity. At the very least, they aren’t showcased by a “Writing” platform.
Look, we all write garbage, but we shouldn’t publish garbage. That’s the thing, ins’t it? That’s why novelists and publishers employ editors, right?
No, not everything writers write is gold, but you don’t publish trash. That’s the point, or it should be.
This post and the fact that Medium is still touting it makes me want to vomit on the writer of this article. To Anne, I say: “Focus on your day job.” To those of you who clapped for this, I say: “You’re what’s wrong with the world. It is NOT alright to PUBLISH anything less than your best, and it is not acceptable to publish an admission of laziness and be paid for it.”