So, uh, what was the one thing that a man will never admit to a woman? That was the title of the article, right? Are you telling us that no man has ever admitted to a woman that he feels depression and despair? Are you stupid? Have you ever spoken to a man who has had a relationship? You also say: “Women tend to view men as having this immoveable will and treat us like we’re gods” No they don’t. You lump all women together into this group of doe eyed teenie boppers. Besides, don’t women want Christian Grey? Everyone is different, bro, and you shouldn’t write about relationships when you nothing of them.
Many women are domineering, commanding, vindictive, and dominant, and there are some men who like those kinds of women. There are also tons of men who are kind, honest, and open, and they don’t have notches on their belt, and the only lie they tell is: “No, baby, those jeans don’t make your butt look big.”
There are so many different kinds of relationships, and I’ve never met a man in a committed, monogamous relationship who didn’t admit to his wife at some point that he felt depression or despair. Furthermore, lots of men don’t want a live in life long partner, and they get by just fine with the slap and tickle. They do not feel depressed. They would feel depressed if they were locked in a relationship they hated.
Every day of my life, my dad told me: “Don’t get married. Don’t have kids.” He also told my mom that he hated being in the relationship. He was depressed. He despaired.