How smug, arrogant, and pretentious can a person be? Billionaires own companies, which employ people and create the technology we use. They pay more in taxes than the working class earn in a life time. How can a regular Blogging Blaire with a day job sit here and tell people that successful billionaires have a problem?
This is like telling Edison that he had OCD and needed to stop inventing. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Ya’ll just want free money without doing the work, and don’t give me crap about how billionaires inherited their money. So what? Don’t you wish your mommy and daddy actually made some money and put it away for you? I know you do.
Inherited or not, it’s their money that makes America work. Take it away, give it to people who don’t know how to use it, will blow it, and create no jobs, and then we’re in socialist Venezuela, standing in line for water. You can’t go to the convenience store and pick up a bottle of Aspirin over there. Why you think people float on doors over seas from Cuba to get here to America?
Because billionaires create jobs for us. Don’t teach successful people how to “do it right” when you can’t even get your own act together. Not to mention that billionaires donate endless funds to children’s hospitals, police, fire dept, and everything else under the sun in order to cut their taxes. You ever donate? OMG, ya’ll dumb.