Member-only story
Facebook Business Support, a Customer Service Fiasco
When it comes to big, faceless companies — Amazon, Facebook, Netflix, Verizon — they make all kinds of mistakes. You try to bring these mistakes to their attention as best you can through their channels, and then it’s never their fault. It’s always yours.
“You must be doing something wrong,” they patronize. “You need to call your bank,” they insist. “If you just do what we tell you to do, it’ll get resolved.”
I sincerely believe that Zuckerberg deserves a punch in the mouth every time one of his employees — I don’t care which department they work or where they’re stationed — fouls up and acts an ass.
Facebook is his company. He should send me an apology message, but let’s get to the beginning of all this.
I’ve talked about running Facebook Business Page ads before. You can read about that here.
They are my best return on investment when it comes to selling books. Most recently, I started an ad campaign to boost views to my website where I was letting everyone know that all of my ebooks were going to be free until the Covid-19 outbreak was mitigated.